Chapter 1 About

Data Science infrastructure at DairyNZ is mainly comprised of Snowflake, GitHub, RStudio connect, RStudio Workbench (formally known as RStudio Server Pro) and legacy data systems. This is a quick reference guide for getting everything set-up for Data Science at DairyNZ. This guidebook is a part of Modern Science Workflows Project from Focus Area 2 written using the bookdown R package.

GitHub repository of this guidebook:

1.1 Usage

The primary purpose of this book is to help future team members at DairyNZ with the installation and preparation of recommended tools for Data Science.

What is covered in this book

  1. Installation of recommended software programs

  2. Database connections

  3. GitHub

  4. Getting help

  5. Best practices

1.2 Relevance and future updates

This book covers the latest versions of various software programs, DB drives, etc., as of Feb 2022. Some parts of it may become irrelevant in the future, or code snippets included in the examples might not work. Feel free to make corrections or updates to this book in the GitHub.

1.3 Preview book

As you work, you may start a local server to live preview this HTML book. This preview will update as you edit the book when you save individual .Rmd files. You can start the server in a work session by using the RStudio add-in “Preview book,” or from the R console:
